Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Polytunnel Book

Number 342 on my list of things to do before I die was to write a polytunnel booklet. Highbank asked me to do one to go with the seeds and I would have enjoyed it although I would probably have put too much emphasis on weird vegetables and not enough on actually feeding yourself. We lost part of our big tunnel a storm recently, so recovering it is getting near the top of that list.
Now I am off the hook (regarding book writing), because Joyce Russell of Kitchen Garden fame, who lives not that far away from me, has done it already, and much better than I could have. Its not a booklet but a big, full colour, bursting at the bindings, production manual. You can buy it here. It is really well constructed, laid out by month and giving detailed instructions for all the normal vegetables. There are masses of really informative, as well as beautiful photographs by Joyce's husband Ben. I highly recommend it. Below is our tunnel when it was young and reasonably tidy.


  1. Hy Catherine C. here and I live on the outskirts of Cork City on the way to Ballincollig!
    I have Joyce's Polytunnel book and it is my Gardening Bible. Very clear instructions for me as a first time Polytunnel owner!I have been growing Toms and Peppers in a home-made hot house for years and also outdoor veggies.
    What a joy a poly tunnel is. I can grow much earlier and even though I was afraid the lush foliage of my potatoes would not harbour good sized spuds, I was pleasantly surprised when I decided to dig them out!!My first attempt at red cabbages were amazing and will need to make relish and pickle to use up the huge ball heads!
    My tunnel Broad Beans are taller than my tomatoes and I will have to nip out the tops or they will go through the roof! I have had many tennis ball-size White turnips and slightly bigger Swedes.
    Dwarf Sunflowers are NOT very dwarf in my tunnel and Marigolds have grown profusely for the first time ever!
    I look forward to sowing and planting well into Autumn and am going to plant Potatoes and Peas in August for a Special Christmas Treat!
    Kind Regards,
    Catherine C.

  2. Well Done, it sounds like you have done a great job in your first year.
    If you email me some pics I will put them up on the blog.
