Monday, April 1, 2013

Well here goes....

I am going to take up The The NewFarmerette's Challenge and write a blog a day for April. I probably start one in my head everyday anyway. One that has started in my had several times and never got any further is to say that Mike is no longer working at Brown Envelope Seeds. For the last four years he has worked with me, and been very badly paid for all his help. In spite of this the business cannot support both of us, and so, sadly, I am doing it on my own again. Sometimes we worked well together and sometimes we didn't. Living and working together is a challenge, and trying to keep any kind of business together at the moment is really hard.  I  want to say is thank you to Mike for all he has done for Brown Envelope Seeds and good luck with what ever he decides to do next. I could just say to him, couldn't I?


  1. Good luck with blogging every day, I'm looking forward to reading them :) I have started my own challenge for April - I'm going to comment on 5 blogs every day. I'm spreading blog love!

  2. Feeling the love LOL
    I will try and comment too.

  3. Go for it Mads, looking forward to following your blog :)
